To sum it all up I pretty much walked around 14+ miles my first day in the city. I took nothing more than the train that brings me under the Bay. I got off at a stop called the Civic Center. I quick grabbed some Burger King, and walked west about 2 - 3 blocks, checked out city hall, and walked up route 101. I walked along this road for a long time. Approximately 1 hour. I walked through the Palace of Fine Arts, which was beautiful architecture. I reached the Bay where you can see the golden gate in the distance. I walked along the beach/bike trail until I reached a good location to snap some pictures of the bridge. It really is a gorgeous view.
I was getting some blisters from all the walking. One actually started from Yosemite. I kept trucking along though. I was thinking about the guys at home again. They never fail to push me. I decided to take a picture and use the very little battery life I had left to send it to them.
I sent it to Dan, Jake, and Nate and kept on walking towards the top. Every time I think, 'just a little further..' or 'I'm almost there', or even doubting whether I want to do something anymore or not. I look at this keychain. Whether I end up appreciating or regretting the decision I make to push forward, it is absolutely worth it. For every time these guys, or this keychain, make me want to move forward, it reminds me that no matter how many times I could do something that doesn't seem worth it, there will eventually be one time that does.
I finished my day by walking back to the train. The 14+ miles walking up and down hills in the city and having pretty deep blisters on my feet, was definitely worth getting these pictures. I say this because like I stated before, I sent the picture to the guys via text. The response.. While listening to some inspirational music.. gave me chills.
Jake responds saying that he loves how we mean so much to each other. He says that he brags about us all the time.
Our friend group is amazing, and still growing.
Dan agrees and says that this is awesome, loves us, and hopes I'm having a great time.
Nate finishes it off with something that I take and store in my heart, which will probably be one of the most meaningful things, and it's only day 3.
He says 'I see you buzzed your hair like you said you wanted too ;) like I said man, anywhere you go with that key chain, we will be with you. That picture I feel is like the ROCK that shows what we mean to each other and what we all know we have to be thankful for! I wish we could be on this journey with you bro! Love ya buddy! 👍🙌'
I don't know if I've ever thanked Nate and Dan's mom and Dad, for the keychains they gave us, as much as I should have. I carry it with me everywhere I go. Symbolizes so much. Thank you Lori and Chris!!!!!!!!!!!!!
To the guys, thanks for the brotherly love. We will last forever.
Tuesday I continued my journey once more. I attempted to take the bus from a block away to the train station instead of walking to try and save some time. Of course, I ended up getting on the wrong one. So I just went to the train on the other side of town. Oh well! Haha.
Monday I managed to walk damn near Half of the city. San Francisco is a lot smaller than I had thought it would be. To give you a reference here is a map. I walked the blue line to get to the bridge, and now I decided to take the cable car to fisherman's wharf, and pier 39.
I mainly only wanted to walk along the bay and sea the sea lions. Ha! Awesome little dudes! I should say big dudes, they are huge.
As I gathered my photos and enjoyed the view, the history of the submarines, and other fun things.. I was debating on whether or not I wanted to walk to Coit tower. I walked down, went into a back little alley, found some random cement steps that looked like thy came from a horror movie, and climbed on up. Little did I know I was going through an awesome trek through very green leaves, flowers, and little houses.
I ended up at the base of Coit Tower. What a view.
I then walked back down the hill, and into the city to take a train back to Oakland. Though, during my walk back to the train I walked by several homeless people. I am not sure what everyone's take is on the situation but sometimes I just get thrown back against a brick wall. I passed by (sadly the usual) Homeless beggars and mentally ill/unstable people. One pair in particular hit me hard. I actually turned around and debated with myself whether I should approach them.
There was a mother and supposedly her daughter sitting by the train entrance. The mother was reading her daughter a book while a sign rested in front of them saying 'me care for me daughter'. My thoughts are is this person really homeless because how was this child raised to be this old to begin with and why would you point out your daughter in the sign unless you were seeking empathy, not money. (I guess it could work for both but it just sets me back). All I could think about was how I had the power to change not just one but two people's lives by vast amounts, but I decided not to, because those questions came into my mind.
So my last venture on in San Francisco was seing the Painted Ladies (Victorian houses from the beginning of the Full House), The Golden Gate Park and up to Land's End.
The walk was a semi hike through some trails in the park, and very very long. A opulent of times I got turned around and was not ping in the correct direction. I kept on going with out a map, passed the Japanese Tea Garden, Academy of Science, and a few gardens. Awesome scenery.
This took around 3 hours to get through and up to Land's End. I was greeted by an ocean view. I decided to not take the trek all the way up to the look out. I was eh okay down beneath. ;) It was definitely relaxing and much needed.
I then took my first Uber ride back into the city and took the train back to Oakland, hopped on the bus, and rested.
The next couple days I wasn't feeling so hot. I got sick and rested for a good long while. James worked from home and I slept a lot.
Shayna and I had a good last day together. She helped me print out my itinerary, made me get more things that will most likely be useful while I'm abroad but I was trying to save money. :P
Anyway, about to board the plane from LAX to Delhi! I will write about LA soon!
Thanks Shayna and James!!!!! I miss you guys so much already. Fantastic trip to SF and much love. Shayna, seriously thank you for helping me with everything. Love you.
Venture On!