Mel kindly reminded me that I forgot to put in the last post, that I actually did have our room key in my pocket. I just didn't realize it because I tried to feel for it and didn't feel it on the side of my leg. I was holding all my laundry so I just didn't realize it! I'm sorry to man that we woke up who thought we needed a bag for my laundry, then realized we were locked out, at 3 am!
Back to the action:
Mel and I wake up to the smell of mildew and soggy clothes. My socks still hang wet, and my shirts are damp. The humidity isn't helping. No A/C and the fan only does so much. We get ready for the day, and make our way out to breakfast by 7:50am. We were provided breakfast from our resort, and chugged some coffee knowing that our ride would be there soon. We hang out in the lobby area, played with the kitten again, then waited... And waited... The minibus was a bit late. About 45 minutes late. That's alright though, it's not a super long day. We will be back around 5pm and the drive is at least 1.5 hours each way.
This is pretty cool. We made our way to the eating area below for lunch. It was like a potluck with all the tourists. Mmm. It was good.
We are all hiking up with gaps forming between us all. Stretches of foreigners walking up this long, windy, high elevated road. We pass lookouts and random interesting scenery, and get to an area where there is another vehicle waiting for us. It's another company it seems but they are helping us out. We all hop in and start heading up the hill some more.
We make it to the highest point of Thailand. The sad part is that it is foggy as my mind was in India. You couldn't see anything. All but the 30 feet in front of you was cloud and fog.
We walked through some cool jungly man made boardwalks with vines and greenery, which opened up to a small shop and the parking lot. Nothing special, just that we were as high as you could get! Sweet.
Next up is the King and Queen's Pagodas. These were gorgeous. We arrived to the European style garden, on the top of this mountain, with the King and Queen's Pagodas. One was under construction.
Even though there was not much room to walk around, we were able to take a good look and have some fun. We were appreciative of the view we didn't have, because of the fog, and the view we did have, because of the fog. The fog kind of isolated us, and forced us to look at what we were seeing. The pagodas and the gardens were like nothing else here I've seen in Thailand. As I am writing this well over a month since we were there, that says something. It was beautiful. The only regret I have is that I didn't see other parts of Thailand first. I've seen many gorgeous areas like this before, but in Paris, in Rome, in America, etc.... not in Thailand. In comparison, this is somewhat of a different feeling.
There was a small shop of snacks. I was still so hungry. I was going to buy some food but then i forgot i had a bag of Doritos in my bag! YES! I take it out and WOAH! This thing blew up.
We then left the pagodas to a coffee plantation/field. This is pretttttyyy cool. Our guide told us that Starbucks actually gets some of their coffee beans from this area. He also stated that if we go up north to Chiang Rai, the coffee is better and more well known. Good thing we have our bus ride to Chiang Rai in the next day or so! There isn't much to do except look at things now, like the coffee fields in the distance, the flowers all around in the man made gardens, and then some sweet birds.
We finished our tour, and made it back to our "resort" early enough to go to a walking market that only happens on the weekend in Chiang Mai. Mel and I walked along this market with children performing on the street, dancing, singing in very poorly constructed speaker systems, playing instruments sitting in a line one behind another, pork and chicken cooking along the sides, fresh fruits being placed on sticks, and the smell of spices floating it's way around our noses. We keep walking and walking, just like in the Night Bazaar. Everything literally feels like it is in slow motion. I turn around to look for Mel and she is gone. I slowly see her emerge from the sides of the stands. We are in a slow motion scene of a movie right now. I turn around and keep walking and we do this a few more times but vice versa. We end up getting to the end of the walking market.
Chiang Mai is so organized. It seems Old City is so well placed that it helps everyone navigate the city a lot easier. The bars are all very easy to find. First ones in a bar with a pool table and some connect 4. Heck yes! I keep destroying Melanie by thinking 3-5 moves ahead. She beats me a few times back. Then a little Thai boy trying to sell flowers comes by and asks to play. I say of course, and I know this kid is going to beat me really easily. I can already see it in his eyes like "hehe watch me get you". He dives right in and beats me like it was the easiest thing he has done all day. Deciding to ditch this place, not because I was bitter about the little boy, we went to this place called Zoe in Yellow. This bar was worse than any other bad westerner bar you could find. It was like all the party animals that were cool, awkward, and just random backpackers like ourselves just ended up here to thrash in the laser beams. The ACTUAL cool part about this bar was that it was big and partially outside. There was a beer garden surrounded by bodies and other bars. It was tight, but neat. All packed in a little pocket of Chiang Mai's streets. Mel and I left, and started our walk back to our resort. We decided to not go back right away and check out some other places. We found a cool coffee shop which turns into a nice little DJ stand and lounge/bar at night. We also went to Burger King. hehe. I can't resist food when I am hungry. I feel weak. Physically. BK fixed it.
Mel and I were walking back all the way. We said screw taking a tuk tuk or sungtaew taxi/truck. We like walking. We have time. We think we know the way back. We make very few turns and then make a slight wrong one, but make a slight correct one again. We don't care where were going right now or where we end up, were just walking.
I am here, in Thailand with my sister Melanie. We are in Chiang Mai, and life is incredible. Were talking about some topic of interest for both of us, not really watching what we are walking in or around. The streets are quiet and its peaceful.
Throughout the night we were counting all the 7 Elevens we see. We realize they are everywhere here but these thing are literally across the street from each other.
So we are still walking home and the next thing I know I'm holding my head between my hands. My head is throbbing and ringing and i feel like my head was just slammed with a cement block. Essentially, this is what actually happened. Mel and I look up and see a random corner of a cement overhang, over the sidewalk area. I literally walked straight into an overhang of a building. The placement is horrible, and you could barely see it with the poor lighting outside at 1am. Ow. This hurts so bad. We continue walking, and eventually realize we are really lost. We know were in the general location of our resort, but we have no sense of direction, and I have no sense of anything at this point after hitting my head.
We wake up, headed to the bus station, found a spot for some snacks to bring on the bus, went to the bathroom and hopped on our bus. Were good to go. 3 hour plus ride here we come! I have my music playing the whole way, as does Mel. We got free water and free cookie snacks too! Were sitting on the bus for hours. It goes over 3 hours at one point. It turns into a 3.5-4 hour bus ride. Also, because we are getting close to the border, there are police and check points everywhere. They keep checking for foreigners illegally in the country. Mostly other Asians from Laos or Cambodia. At least I assume, because Mel and I were not checked. Hmm..
We arrive at the Chiang Rai bus station, finally. We get out, strap my luggage to my back, and browse around for the way to the white temple. We need to go down a main road for around 20 minutes to reach our destination. We found a bus that would take us, but they dropped us off on the side of the highway. Turns out the side of the highway was right across the street from the white temple. Awesome. We are tired and want to get coffee first though. We have hours before we need to be at the bus station again to be picked up by our driver. It is around 12pm. We are taking our GOOD OLD time.
Next post: The White Temple, getting back to the bus station, and getting to our bungalow in the Chiang Rai rice fields/mountains. This is where an awesome adventure begins.
Back to the action:
Mel and I wake up to the smell of mildew and soggy clothes. My socks still hang wet, and my shirts are damp. The humidity isn't helping. No A/C and the fan only does so much. We get ready for the day, and make our way out to breakfast by 7:50am. We were provided breakfast from our resort, and chugged some coffee knowing that our ride would be there soon. We hang out in the lobby area, played with the kitten again, then waited... And waited... The minibus was a bit late. About 45 minutes late. That's alright though, it's not a super long day. We will be back around 5pm and the drive is at least 1.5 hours each way.
Were greeted by the tour guide who goes by Banana. He was very kind and hyper. He hops in the front if the minibus and asks all of us to introduce ourselves. First two guys are from Taiwan, next is me and Mel. After we introduce ourselves Banana asks if we are married. We both shook our heads no, and said 'brother and sister'! He laughs, the whole bus laughs, and he starts cracking up apologizing. He said you don't see siblings traveling together often, and that it's good. He laughed and apologized. It was pretty funny.
Next up was an actual newlywed couple from Portugal. They were super super kind. Another few down and we have some from Philly/Massachusetts?, and a few other places around the world.
We are on our way to two waterfalls. The first one was just alright. It reminded me of Uganda on my safari. The waterfalls were splashing thick layers of white water through some larger rock.
Before we reached our second waterfall we head to a small village with rice fields. This is the first sight of the beautiful Thailand that takes my breath. The skies are extremely blue, white clouds above, the saturated green grass and rice up to our waists... What an amazing view. The sun beating down on us is no longer a worry, or even a thought. This is going to only get better. Were only in our first few days. We were walking through the village which has apparently just gotten electricity not too long ago. Here a few pictures to save my fingers from typing a few thousand words...
As Mel and I look at this tall waterfall with the mist soaking our fronts, we wonder if we can get on top. Not that this view wasn't great, but it would to hurt to try right? We climb the manmade steps and pass through all the tourists to a small hidden trail that goes up the side of the waterfall. It offers a couple good lookouts to snap some pictures at. We keep going, as the ledge gets closer to our feet, and steps are becoming more difficult and steep. There are no man made steps. This is what I like.
You better believe we reached the top. Sad part is that we couldn't get close to the edge. There was an enormous roar above, tackling the boulders before the water reaches the cliff side.
I ate a lot. I even ended up finished the tables next to me. We were all joking around because I'm American, and I'm just eating it all.
After some spectating, we get back in the van and head to the highest point in Thailand. Little did we know..
We are driving for a good few minutes and we hear a huge bang. It sounded like something popped or was shot. Then we see a ton of smoke come from the front of the vehicle. The strong odor of something burning fills us all with question. We all get out, the tour guide begins to call for another vehicle. It is going to be a while- so we start out hike up hill on this road to the temples.
The vehicle starts to drift backwards and can't make it up the hill. Were all laughing and thinking 'not again!'
Someone said 'oh we ate too much!!'
I yelled out that the hungry boy is sorry!
Everyone laughed and replied, 'get off the van! Get outta here! ' it was some comic relief. The van is about to make an attempt uphill again. We get a good 'running start'. It works! Were on our way once again, back on track..
We make it to the highest point of Thailand. The sad part is that it is foggy as my mind was in India. You couldn't see anything. All but the 30 feet in front of you was cloud and fog.
We walked through some cool jungly man made boardwalks with vines and greenery, which opened up to a small shop and the parking lot. Nothing special, just that we were as high as you could get! Sweet.
Next up is the King and Queen's Pagodas. These were gorgeous. We arrived to the European style garden, on the top of this mountain, with the King and Queen's Pagodas. One was under construction.
Even though there was not much room to walk around, we were able to take a good look and have some fun. We were appreciative of the view we didn't have, because of the fog, and the view we did have, because of the fog. The fog kind of isolated us, and forced us to look at what we were seeing. The pagodas and the gardens were like nothing else here I've seen in Thailand. As I am writing this well over a month since we were there, that says something. It was beautiful. The only regret I have is that I didn't see other parts of Thailand first. I've seen many gorgeous areas like this before, but in Paris, in Rome, in America, etc.... not in Thailand. In comparison, this is somewhat of a different feeling.
(mannnn Mel! It's been more than a month since you left Bangkok... I miss you so much! I just text you saying I hope you aren't broke and struggling to pay off this super cheap vacation, because I am absolutely sucking at managing my bills right now, haha. Though, every penny was worth it. I'd do it all over again!!!! Love you Mel!!!)
There was a small shop of snacks. I was still so hungry. I was going to buy some food but then i forgot i had a bag of Doritos in my bag! YES! I take it out and WOAH! This thing blew up.
We then left the pagodas to a coffee plantation/field. This is pretttttyyy cool. Our guide told us that Starbucks actually gets some of their coffee beans from this area. He also stated that if we go up north to Chiang Rai, the coffee is better and more well known. Good thing we have our bus ride to Chiang Rai in the next day or so! There isn't much to do except look at things now, like the coffee fields in the distance, the flowers all around in the man made gardens, and then some sweet birds.
We finished our tour, and made it back to our "resort" early enough to go to a walking market that only happens on the weekend in Chiang Mai. Mel and I walked along this market with children performing on the street, dancing, singing in very poorly constructed speaker systems, playing instruments sitting in a line one behind another, pork and chicken cooking along the sides, fresh fruits being placed on sticks, and the smell of spices floating it's way around our noses. We keep walking and walking, just like in the Night Bazaar. Everything literally feels like it is in slow motion. I turn around to look for Mel and she is gone. I slowly see her emerge from the sides of the stands. We are in a slow motion scene of a movie right now. I turn around and keep walking and we do this a few more times but vice versa. We end up getting to the end of the walking market.
Chiang Mai is so organized. It seems Old City is so well placed that it helps everyone navigate the city a lot easier. The bars are all very easy to find. First ones in a bar with a pool table and some connect 4. Heck yes! I keep destroying Melanie by thinking 3-5 moves ahead. She beats me a few times back. Then a little Thai boy trying to sell flowers comes by and asks to play. I say of course, and I know this kid is going to beat me really easily. I can already see it in his eyes like "hehe watch me get you". He dives right in and beats me like it was the easiest thing he has done all day. Deciding to ditch this place, not because I was bitter about the little boy, we went to this place called Zoe in Yellow. This bar was worse than any other bad westerner bar you could find. It was like all the party animals that were cool, awkward, and just random backpackers like ourselves just ended up here to thrash in the laser beams. The ACTUAL cool part about this bar was that it was big and partially outside. There was a beer garden surrounded by bodies and other bars. It was tight, but neat. All packed in a little pocket of Chiang Mai's streets. Mel and I left, and started our walk back to our resort. We decided to not go back right away and check out some other places. We found a cool coffee shop which turns into a nice little DJ stand and lounge/bar at night. We also went to Burger King. hehe. I can't resist food when I am hungry. I feel weak. Physically. BK fixed it.
Mel and I were walking back all the way. We said screw taking a tuk tuk or sungtaew taxi/truck. We like walking. We have time. We think we know the way back. We make very few turns and then make a slight wrong one, but make a slight correct one again. We don't care where were going right now or where we end up, were just walking.
I am here, in Thailand with my sister Melanie. We are in Chiang Mai, and life is incredible. Were talking about some topic of interest for both of us, not really watching what we are walking in or around. The streets are quiet and its peaceful.
Throughout the night we were counting all the 7 Elevens we see. We realize they are everywhere here but these thing are literally across the street from each other.
We started taking pictures of every 7 Eleven we saw.
So we are still walking home and the next thing I know I'm holding my head between my hands. My head is throbbing and ringing and i feel like my head was just slammed with a cement block. Essentially, this is what actually happened. Mel and I look up and see a random corner of a cement overhang, over the sidewalk area. I literally walked straight into an overhang of a building. The placement is horrible, and you could barely see it with the poor lighting outside at 1am. Ow. This hurts so bad. We continue walking, and eventually realize we are really lost. We know were in the general location of our resort, but we have no sense of direction, and I have no sense of anything at this point after hitting my head.
We finally get to a main road and catch a tuk tuk back. I just paid a brotha' and we made it back. I need to sleep.
The next morning we made an effort to go to Doi Suthep. Though, first we had to purchase our bus tickets at the Green Bus Station line for Chiang Rai. We had to leave early the next day because we wanted to see the white temple, and we had to be at the bus to be picked up by our driver at 4pm. The bus ride is at least 3 hours long and the tickets book up fast.
We headed to the bus station in the morning, got our tickets purchased, then headed to the Doi Suthep sungtaew station. The sungtaew station was right near the Chiang Mai University. I was happy to see a campus with some more ground area. It reminded me of what I'm used to...Kutztown and college life. It made me wonder about the students that I saw, like who are they, what are they involved in, what sports do they play, what instruments do they play, what are they studying?...
Mel and I count the markers on our way up this long windy road. There are no other roads that intersect with this until we reach the bottom of the steps of Doi Suthep. We arrive at a small but packed area with shops and food stands. The climb up the steps begin, passing more food, more swords and weapons to purchase, and more shops. The steps leading up to the temple have children dressed up to attempt making money. Many approach them and take pictures, but they ask for baht immediately after. I dislike this, though the children's outfits were adorable. Maybe it would have been worth it to get a picture with them, I'm not sure. I did however, get one without anyone in it but them. :) The steps leading up to the temple are probably our favorite part of this area.
Here is yet another temple, but its a nice one! (I mean, they are all nice, but this is pretty cool with the greenery and location!)
We then had to find a bathroom fast. We exit the temple, and find a public bathroom. Woah. Lets just say we had to go up through a random building, to the fourth floor which led to being outside, and up a ramp where the toilets were located. Mel walked in and turned right back out. The stench and the cleanliness of this place are not up to part at all. It was pretty fowl, not just a different toilet. Gross.
I was able to pee at least but I had to hold my breath. Mel has to pee really bad. We then hop on another sungtaew to go down to the main road. We hop off, find a place to eat in this nice little hip part of town, which is right next to the University. We eat at a place called "The Boat". It has a bakery too. mmmmmmm. I have some awesome food with Mel, get some tasty pastries, and then take a stroll through the University.
The next morning we made an effort to go to Doi Suthep. Though, first we had to purchase our bus tickets at the Green Bus Station line for Chiang Rai. We had to leave early the next day because we wanted to see the white temple, and we had to be at the bus to be picked up by our driver at 4pm. The bus ride is at least 3 hours long and the tickets book up fast.
We headed to the bus station in the morning, got our tickets purchased, then headed to the Doi Suthep sungtaew station. The sungtaew station was right near the Chiang Mai University. I was happy to see a campus with some more ground area. It reminded me of what I'm used to...Kutztown and college life. It made me wonder about the students that I saw, like who are they, what are they involved in, what sports do they play, what instruments do they play, what are they studying?...
Mel and I count the markers on our way up this long windy road. There are no other roads that intersect with this until we reach the bottom of the steps of Doi Suthep. We arrive at a small but packed area with shops and food stands. The climb up the steps begin, passing more food, more swords and weapons to purchase, and more shops. The steps leading up to the temple have children dressed up to attempt making money. Many approach them and take pictures, but they ask for baht immediately after. I dislike this, though the children's outfits were adorable. Maybe it would have been worth it to get a picture with them, I'm not sure. I did however, get one without anyone in it but them. :) The steps leading up to the temple are probably our favorite part of this area.
Here is yet another temple, but its a nice one! (I mean, they are all nice, but this is pretty cool with the greenery and location!)
We then had to find a bathroom fast. We exit the temple, and find a public bathroom. Woah. Lets just say we had to go up through a random building, to the fourth floor which led to being outside, and up a ramp where the toilets were located. Mel walked in and turned right back out. The stench and the cleanliness of this place are not up to part at all. It was pretty fowl, not just a different toilet. Gross.
I was able to pee at least but I had to hold my breath. Mel has to pee really bad. We then hop on another sungtaew to go down to the main road. We hop off, find a place to eat in this nice little hip part of town, which is right next to the University. We eat at a place called "The Boat". It has a bakery too. mmmmmmm. I have some awesome food with Mel, get some tasty pastries, and then take a stroll through the University.
Once were finished browsing through the school rugby games, we found our way to a mall.
We stumbled upon the famous MBK Mall in Chiang Mai. I am pretty sure (not 100%) that there are only 2 MBK malls in Thailand. This I have few words for. I like to call it the 'Disney world mall'. It had music playing that sounded like Fantasia 2000, so Mel took video of me dancing like a fairy outside next to the water fountain in sync with the music. Haha! The mall also was pretty expensive and more clean then everything else I've seen. More 'high tech' too.
(Yes, Jake I did go in and check out the sneakers! haha)
(Yes, Apple friends. I did go look at the "iPhone 6s". Haha)
Finally we made it to the restaurant we've been wanting to do for a bit. It's a meal and drinks on a boat at night, so we can see the Chiang Mai lights reflecting off the water. We floated through the river with multiple local bar lights, lanterns, sports bars (mehh....), and bridges. This was incredible and an amazing way to end Chiang Mai before we leave the next morning. I did spend a bit on the food and alcohol but it was so worth it. The only thing that made it awkward was the group of people we were eating with. Awkward looking couples, but who are we to judge?... We were brother and sister who are commonly mistaken as a couple. haha! Mel, we did Chiang Mai right. It was awesome.
We wake up, headed to the bus station, found a spot for some snacks to bring on the bus, went to the bathroom and hopped on our bus. Were good to go. 3 hour plus ride here we come! I have my music playing the whole way, as does Mel. We got free water and free cookie snacks too! Were sitting on the bus for hours. It goes over 3 hours at one point. It turns into a 3.5-4 hour bus ride. Also, because we are getting close to the border, there are police and check points everywhere. They keep checking for foreigners illegally in the country. Mostly other Asians from Laos or Cambodia. At least I assume, because Mel and I were not checked. Hmm..
We arrive at the Chiang Rai bus station, finally. We get out, strap my luggage to my back, and browse around for the way to the white temple. We need to go down a main road for around 20 minutes to reach our destination. We found a bus that would take us, but they dropped us off on the side of the highway. Turns out the side of the highway was right across the street from the white temple. Awesome. We are tired and want to get coffee first though. We have hours before we need to be at the bus station again to be picked up by our driver. It is around 12pm. We are taking our GOOD OLD time.
Next post: The White Temple, getting back to the bus station, and getting to our bungalow in the Chiang Rai rice fields/mountains. This is where an awesome adventure begins.
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