Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Liebster Award, Teacherista, and Hershey


Hey you young tiger lilly.
Check the 'true life' of a teacherista. :) teaching tips, travels and trousers. Well not the trousers but I thought it sounded good. Thanks Krissy for the shout out and nominating me/awarding me this dandy little treat. The Liebster award! I know I always have grammatical errors, and say some weird things on here. It's more for memories and sharing experiences. I'm not trying to enlighten anyone, but rather include them on my venture. As we all know, I am not a punctual person when it comes to speaking and being proper. I type how I speak. Yikes... Sorry for the headaches ya'll.

Soooo with that, thank you for the blog shout out!! Liebster Award? I thought it was lobster at first and thought I won a lobster. Dang. I'm kinda hungry.

Really awesome of you to notice others. I'm going to give a shoutout to Jennifer Hershey. Inspirational blogs soon to be brighter than the sun, and already hotter than the Earth's core. Focus on that positivity! Yes!
P.S. Your last blog with communicating. Love it.

As for this crazy girl with questions.... Im going to throw it at you now:

  1. What is your favorite thing to do after a long day? I like to sleep, watch Netflix, draw, listen to music, make music, eat and beat box on the toilet. Sometimes I am able to multitask and do two or three at the same time.
  2. If your personality could be expressed by an animal, what would it be and why? I'd like to say a majestic horse. Black stallion. But I think personalities are for other people to decide for you! They'd probably call me a monkey or that orange hairy monkey we all forget how to spell. Orange something. Yeah, that one. And no, I'm not a ginger. 
  3. Where do you want your next travel destination to be? Preferably Mongolia. But I don't think it'll happen next.
  4. What is your biggest accomplishment of 2015? Oof. I'd say publishing my documentary, but it didn't happen. Need to get the music approved. So, probably stabilizing my income and happiness in Bangkok.
  5. Tell us about your blog and how it got started? Well, after attempting a blog about Uganda, and shortly thereafter it failed.. I decided to travel and take risks and try to do crazy things. I wish I did more crazy things. I should. Though, through it all, wherever you are, you must push on in the venture. So, The Venture On.
  6. What is your biggest motivation? My childhood.
  7. What is your guilty pleasure song? Any backstreet boys song and Mmm..bop (thanks to my older sisters)
  8. Easy one… favorite food? Strawberries!!!!!!
  9. If there was one skill you could have that you don’t currently, what would it be? To move things with my eyes. Some would say this is a power. If it's possible, then it's a skill. Prove its not possible. Go.
  10. Personal Mantra? I'm an English teacher and I failed my vocabulary test today. Mantra? Yeah I should probably know this. 
  11. What is goal you have for 2016? Keep working on my children's books. I'd say publish them but you know that doesn't really happen with things I make. (Documentary) haha. 

So, again thanks for the nomination!!!!

Jenn. Questions for you:

1) what makes you happy?
2) what inspires you?
3) what are your dreams?
4) are these dreams obtainable?
5) if yes, what do you need to do in order to make these dreams come true? If no, how can you use this dream to push you further in a positive direction?
6) will you make your obtainable dreams your goals?
7) why did you start this blog?
8) what is one moment you felt very happy, by yourself?
9) what is one moment you were very happy with someone else, or other people?
10) will you count how many awesome things you have right now in your life? And help me show everyone that today.. There is an amazing amount of good. :)

Super cheesy I know. Jennnnn please answer and If you want go ahead and 'nominate' or 'award' this to someone else. Ask them 10 questions as well. ROLL OUT!


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